Sunday, December 4, 2011

The December

Wow.. almost end of the year already!
Seriously, time flies like rocket~ I'm officially 21 also~wtf! Should I be happy or what?

Nothing much about this post.. just a random blog post to update you guys~
I did not MIA~ I'm still here! T.T

Guess all of you know that I'm having my 3 months sem break now (no effing joke! 3 months~)
Taylors has the longest sem break ever~ compared to other institutions~ Ueerk! Boring
Everyone was like.. 
''Wow 3 months that's great''
''Serious?? 3 months~ so syok wei~''
''Walao, I also want 3 months holiday''

You so gonna take back those words when you really have 3 months holiday with you! Imma boring like hell!
Damn~ I've been searching for jobs like for weeks~ Still no respond.. 
If you guys have a good job to offer me~ Please tell me, PM me, call me, SMS me~ whatever way that can contact me~ 

Ok, so what I did for my holiday?
of course MOVIE & DRAMA~ 
Both Hong Kong Drama that I chase everyday~ The top one <Curse of the royal harem> (click to watch online) and the bottom one <Forensic Heroes III> (click to watch online)

If you ask which one I prefer and recommend? I would say Forensic Heroes 3~ Very exciting and gan jeong! Thats why I chase this drama everyday~ haha! Not bad tho!

As for MOVIE
I watched Petaling Street Warriors recently.

It was hilarious~ Dear friends should go and watch it~ It will surely make your day =)
A lil bit of the synopsis of the story:
Mark Lee is the generation of the Emperor of Dynasty Qing. He was protected by 3 guardians which is his wifey Yeo Yann Yann, Namewee and a Kopi fella (I don't know who he is =.=) All 3 of them were ordered to protect the Emperor. 
Mark Lee married with Yeo Yann Yann for 2 years in that movie~ But they still haven't O YI O (have sex) yet. The reason was because she wants Mark Lee to keep his virgin to train a very powerful kungfu! In chinese they called it as 童子功! 
Why he wanna train the virgin kungfu? Why the 3 guardians need to protect him? Why Why Why?
Check it out at cinema!! 

Thats all for today! I'm gonna blog more! Weeee

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